Parure in miniature mosaic and gold

Antonio Aguatti (? - 1846 ca.)
Jewel, gem, seal
Material and technique:
Mosaic and gold
Collezione privata Mosti Estense Trotti Maria (fino al 1939)
inv. MN 1232
Masterpieces of the hall
The hall
In these rooms are displayed objects related to Joseph and Caroline Bonaparte, Napoleon’s brother and sister, who held to the throne of the Kingdom of Naples one after the other. Napoleon gave the throne initially to his older brother, the submissive Joseph, who reigned there from 1806 to 1808. During this period Jean-Baptiste Wicar, then the Director of the Academy of Fine Arts of the Neapolitan cities, created portraits of Joseph, his wife Giulia Clary and their two children Zenaide e Carlotta.